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Holy Baptism

What is baptism?


From the first century, the followers of Christ practiced baptism as a primary Sacrament of the Church. Essentially, baptism is a response to God’s love for us. Through this sacrament we are initiated as members of the Body of Christ, and we are offered the assurance of God’s grace and forgiveness.



What about infants and children?


In the Episcopal tradition, a person may be baptized at any age. Parents who bring their young children to be baptized make an additional commitment to raise these children in the Christian faith. For infants and children, it is required that at least one parent be an active member of St. Paul’s.


Preparing for Baptism--


Holy Baptism is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All Saints’ Day or the Sunday after All Saints’ Day, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the First Sunday after the Epiphany). It is recommended that, as far as possible, Baptisms be reserved for these occasions or when a bishop is present. BCP 312

Please call the parish office at 410-758-1553.



What about sponsors or godparents?


Consistent with the ancient tradition, it is required that every baptismal candidate have a sponsor (commonly called a godparent for children). Sponsors are typically present at the time of the baptism, and will serve as a Christian friend and mentor throughout life. Sponsors must be baptized Christians. We additionally recommend that you select someone who is active in their faith community, and with whom you can anticipate a long-term relationship. 1-4 sponsors per candidate is appropriate.


St. Paul's Episcopal Church + 301 S. Liberty Street + P.O. Box 278 + Centreville, MD 21617 + 410.758.1553

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