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The Ministry

Q.Who are the ministers of the Church?

A.The ministers of the Church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.

Q.What is the ministry of the laity?

A.The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church; to bear witness to him wherever they may be;

and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ's work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the


Book of Common Prayer, P. 855

Ministries at St. Paul's

All Ministries are always looking for volunteers please consider joining one of these very important Ministries.

Ministry                                       Contact Person            

Acolytes                                      Dan Rugg

Altar Guild  & Flowers        Sharon North

Back Packs                                Sharon North

Choir                                            Stef Scaggiari

Coffee Hour                               Kathie Moore and Kathy Anderson

Contemplative Prayer         Rev. Mary

Counters                                    Michele Miller

Finance Committee              Myron Richardson

ECW                                               Elizabeth Stanton

Hand Bells                                  Nancy Cook

Haven Ministries                    Barb Ackermann

Healing Prayer Team           Rev. Mary

Knitting Ministry                  Jean Hilleary

Lay Euch. Ministers              Chris Pupke

Lectors                                        Chris Pupke

Micah Ministry                       Rev. Mary   (Social Justice)

Pastoral Care Team             Linda Carroll

Planned Giving                      Robert North 

Prison Ministry                     Rev. Mary

Sunday School                       Rev. Mary

Ushers                                        Dan Rugg

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